SAA Resources

You can find a wealth of information on our main site, as well. From research articles to electronic versions of our monthly newsletter, you can find it all. Below are some examples of the resources we have to offer.

Transitioning to Adult Rheumatology Care: A Guide for Young Adults and their Families

The transition from adolescence to adulthood involves navigating newfound life skills, forging one’s identity, and establishing independence. However, young people with conditions like spondyloarthritis face an additional milestone: the shift from pediatric to adult rheumatology care and the need to assume personal responsibility for one’s health. The process involves adapting to new healthcare providers, treatment plans, and support systems tailored for adult patients, while simultaneously developing self-management skills.

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Setting Children with JSpA Up for Academic Success

There’s a lot for parents and students to know when it comes to school accommodations and transitioning from high school to college. College counselor Mary Ann Poladian gives a comprehensive primer in this article, which was featured in our Fall 2022 issue of Spondylitis Plus.

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Juvenile Spondyloarthritis: The Latest in Treatment and Research

Read the latest on the understanding, treatment, and management of JSpA, and get an update on the most recent research from leading pediatric rheumatologist Pamela Weiss, MD, MSCE. This article was featured in our Summer 2022 issue of Spondylitis Plus.

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Mental Health and JSpA: Our Kids’ Wellness and Our Own

Parents and caregivers who care for a child with a chronic illness like juvenile spondyloarthritis (JSpA) know it impacts the whole family. Belen Diaz de Leon-Gonzalez, MSW, offers unique perspective and tips as both a social worker and a parent of a young adult with AS.

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A Mother's Story

Getting diagnosed with Juvenile Spondyloarthritis can be a difficult time for both patient and parent. Read two mothers' perspectives on living and caring for children with JSpA.

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JSpA: An Updated Overview

Learn more about Juvenile Spondyloarthritis, including in-depth information about classifications, treatment recommendations, and what to expect in a child with JSpA. This article was featured in our Spring 2015 issue of Spondylitis Plus.

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Triathlon for AS

There are many different ways you can raise awareness for JSpA. Read Sallie Marx's story on how she sought to inspire fellow patients and bring light to this disease through her athletic accomplishment.

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JSpA Brochure

Get information about the primary signs/symptoms and the various treatments and techniques to manage spondyloarthritis in children and teens.

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